Friday, October 5, 2012

Welcome to MOE'S!

I lived in Florida for a bit and there were two restaurants I frequented one was Chipotle and the other was Moe's. We all know about Chipotle in Minnesota and the're are many who love that restaurant for it's comfort food and perhaps some who don't. Now we finally and I say finally it's about time we got Moe's in Minnesota (2101 West 80th St Bloomington, MN 55420). When you walk you get a very friendly greeting every-time. "Welcome to Moe's!"

Moe's has quite a bit to offer and the chips and queso are a must also they have their own sauce bar.  I told my friend who also lived in Florida that Moe's has arrived and he is already salivating at the mouth.

I went to Moe's on Wednesday and was greeted with that fantastic greeting and it made my day so stop in and say hello, enjoy a burritto.  Say hi to the crew.